Mr Simon Manthorpe, Vapemate CEO, Talks Eliquid on Radio 4
Jun 12, 2023

Vapemate CEO Simon Manthorpe recently joined Dr Phillip Barber, a respiratory consultant from Manchester University and JUUL UK Managing Director Dan Thomson for a discussion on ecigarettes and the divisive topic of banning eliquid flavours.
Simon Manthorpe, Vapemate CEO, (interview begins 4:53)
“I mean if you look at what Public Health England, the Royal College of Physicians, the Royal College of GPs, the British Medical Association, Cancer Research… the accepted premise is that these products are around 95% safer than cigarettes. And we’re not comparing them to not using anything, we’re not comparing ecigarettes to breathing, we’re comparing ecigarettes to tobacco.
"The reality is flavours have been an enormous part of the success of ecigarettes. Martin Dockrell from Public health England and Hazel Cheeseman from ASH eloquently explained this on Radio 5…. …that flavours were a huge part of the acceleration and decline of smoking in the UK.
"We can’t lose sight of the fact that these products are providing enormous benefit to people who smoke and want to stop using tobacco.”